Sunday, January 15, 2012

Changing Child Support

On January 11th, eight House Democrats introduced a bill that would change child support in Washington State.   A brief summary of HB 2279  describes the changes as (1) adopting a new economic table that does not differentiate amounts based on the children's ages;  (2) requiring an adjustment of the standard calculation based on "children not before the court" and shared residential schedules; (3) amending the postsecondary educational support statute to, among other things, require the court to consider any grants or scholarships awarded to the child; and (4) clarifying the statute on self-support reserve."    Additional information is available at Complete Bill Analysis.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know how this turns out. I have 50/50 custody, I pay child support along with 62% of all medical and extracurricular activities. It seems so unfair when my kids are tell me how deprived they are at mom's house but she fills their closets with her clothing and goes to concerts and vacations without them. My children don't even see her for 3 out of 5 days when in her care because others care for them.
